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Robot hand solves Rubik’s cube, but not the grand challenge
A remarkable robot, capable of solving a Rubik’s cube single-handedly, has demonstrated just how far robotics has advanced - but at the same time, experts say, how far we still have to go.
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Force-Multiplying Exoskeletons
Force-Multiplying Exoskeletons in the Military: Insights from U.S. Army Veteran and Sarcos Robotics Vice President Jim Miller
You Can''t Unsee This Robot Snake Scaling a Ladder
Of all the robots designed to induce cold sweats, a locomotive snake wiggling its way up a ladder might make you the chilliest.
Toyota - Mobile manipulator with VR
Toyota Research Institute teaches mobile manipulator with VR, simulation
Agility Robotics Unveils Upgraded Digit Walking Robot
The improvements include nimbler feet, better perception, and fully custom electronics
Robots Learn to Speak Body Language
This body-tracking software could help robots read your emotions.
Swarm of tiny drones explores unknown environments
Researchers have presented a swarm of tiny drones that can explore unknown environments completely by themselves. This work, presented in Science Robotics on 23 October, is a significant step in the field of swarm robotics.
Self-transforming robot blocks jump, spin, flip, and identif
Developed at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, robots can self-assemble to form various structures with applications including inspection.
Meet the new flying robots that NASA is sending into space
Professional Portable 3D Scanners
Since 2002, Creaform has developed a selection of highly accurate industrial 3D scanners.
Our scanners have been designed to accelerate the time-to-market with your product development workflows, all while helping you meet your quality control requirements in non-contact 3D measurements. Discover how our 3D scanners can help you gain a competitive edge, cut the time and costs associated with product development, and optimize production processes.